Month: June 2015

Themes and Messages

All stories have a theme. A message. And if you don’t decide on one yourself, your audience is going to decide on one for you and that could be terrifying.

Your movie’s theme is directly related to your character’s arc, or growth. Whatever your character becomes, that’s your theme.

Is your character a womanizer who learns the fun of monogamy? Your message is that monogamy is the answer to happiness.

Is your character a loner who learns to live in society? There’s your movie’s message is that humans are social creatures and we must learn to live among one another.

Is your main character a tough cop who learns he has to go outside the law to uphold it? Your movie’s message is about the dangers of limiting the second amendment.

So what growth is occurring in your main character? Is there any growth occurring in your main character? Did you even read the chapter on character arcs?

Keep in mind that the theme of your story is going to be a major selling point. Investors have the mistaken belief that if a film’s message is strong, it in some way means the film will be better. For examples of this not happening, google “highest grossing movies.” See Transformers? What about the 2nd one? And the 3rd? There’s a 4th? Case in point.

When coming up with a theme, remember that you’re not trying to reinvent the wheel. You’re not going to be teaching the audience anything they haven’t already been told in grade school. Be a good person. Don’t be greedy. Don’t push Johnny’s face into the mud.

Essentially, you’re going to want to take a look at the 10 commandments and decide which one you’d like to reteach. For examples of this see:

1. Thou shalt not commit adultery: An Indecent Proposal

2. Thou shalt not kill: Literally every movie with a bad guy who kills people

3. Thou shalt have no other gods:

4. Thou shalt not covet they neighbor’s slaves: 12 Years a Slave

5. Honor Thy Mother and Father:

Being aware that your story is not going to have some illuminating theme that will cause the reader to reevaluate their entire life should come as a relief. It is one less thing thing we have to create.